
Sildamax Tablets


  • Sildamax tablets are used to treat erectile dysfunction and other kinds of imposes in men.
  • Do not consume this tablet while consuming alcohol otherwise, it may cause side effects.
  • Sildamax starts working by inhibiting the phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) enzyme which mainly works to regulate blood flow in the penis.
  • Consume this tablet with water but don’t crush, break, or chew while consuming it.


Sildamax 100mg tablets are used to eliminate erectile dysfunction (ED) and other kinds of impurities in men. This medicine involves its active ingredient which is known as sildenafil citrate, which belongs to phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor. This medicine’s main goal is to enhance blood flow in different parts of the body (especially in the penis) which is allowing to achieve a high level of satisfaction in sexual stimulation and also helps to maintain erection in sexual activity.

How is Sildamax 100mg Start Reacting?

Sildamax starts working by inhibiting phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) enzyme which mainly works to regulate blood flow in the penis so that block up PDE5, its active ingredients which are known as sildenafil citrate manage blood vessels in the penis so that it can enhance blood flow and facilitating erection while sexual stimulation.

Who Should Not Use Sildamax Pill?

The sildamax pill is prescribed for adult men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Apart from this, it is only used by healthcare providers but this medicine is not suitable for women, children who are under 18, and men who do not have any ED concerns.

How Should Someone Consume Intimate Pills?

Sildamax 100mg pills can be consumed orally with water. This medicine is generally consumed 30 to 60 minutes after any sexual activity. Do not consume more than one dose within 24 hours otherwise, it directly affects the human body. Individuals have to follow the healthcare instructions regarding dosage and usage.

Are There Any Adverse Impacts Associated With The Sildamax tablet?

Yes! Like all tablets, Sildamax also causes many side effects which everyone has to know about so we have mentioned some points below:

  • Flushing,
  • Nasal congestion,
  • Dizziness,
  • Headache,
  • Indigestion,
  • Visual Impairment.

If the above significance you faced in your initial days while consuming this tablet then you do not have to worry about it due to its gone from the body on its own. But if you saw this symptom for too long then you should contact the doctor first before taking your next pill.

Can Someone Sildamax Tablet With Alcohol Or Food?

Sildamax pills can be consumed with food or on an empty stomach which depends on the patient’s condition. But if an individual consumes this pill with a very high-fat meal that may delay its effectiveness. So we just suggest that you have to consume alcohol within

Limitation: you should avoid consumption of alcohol while consuming this pill because this tablet can increase its side effects in likelihood and reduce its effectiveness.

Is It True That Intimate Pills Interact With Sildamax Pills?

Yes! There are a lot of chances where Sildamax interacts with some medicines. Some common interactions are mentioned below:-

  • Alpha-blockers (It’s used for prostate issues and high blood pressure),
  • Nitrates (It’s used for chest pain),
  • Some antibiotic medicines, or antifungals.

So for that, you have to be concerned with the doctor who is taking all the medicines before approaching Sildamax 100 mg so that you can avoid its side effects.

What Should Someone Do If Miss A Dose?

This tablet is always taken when you have very necessary to consume it so there is no regular dose schedule available. If you miss your dose of the intimate pill then you have to consume it wherever you recall it but do not consume two doses at the same time or do not consume more than this pill which is prescribed by the doctor.

What Should Someone Do in Case of An Overdose?

If you indirectly overdose on an intimate pill then you have to be concerned with the doctor’s overdose. It may cause some severe side effects such as fainting, prolonged erection and dizziness that may cause permanent damage directly to the penis if it is not treated promptly.

Is It A Real Sildamax Pill Secure For Everyone?

This tablet is prescribed securely for guys who are struggling troubles of ED. but, once in a while, it could no longer be for sufferers with a few medical conditions like coronary heart-related concerns, a record of heart attack or stroke, and coffee pressure. So approach this pill after being concerned with your healthcare provider because your healthcare provider gives medicine after checkups of individuals.

How Should Someone Store Sildamax Pill?

Individuals can store climax at room temperature which you have to keep away from moisture and heat. Along with this, you have to keep it out from children who are under 18 as well as pets. Apart from this, do not consume this medicine after its expiration date which is indicated on the packaging. Individuals also Close tablet parts after consumption of the pill due to intoxicatedness.

How Long Does The Effect Of Intimate Pill?

The effects of Sildamax 100mg can last for four hours. Regardless, this does not sound like you will have an erection for the whole period. It just means that you can achieve the ability which is very helpful to remove an erection when sexual activity is within time duration.

Can Someone Sildamax Tablet Split?

It is not prescribed to split intimate pills because it may affect the accuracy of that dosage. Always consume the medicine as prescribed by your doctor.

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